The Winner is...

Every company that qualifies for an award category.
Every participant gaining valuable data-driven insights from their personal Executive Challenger Report.
Learn more...

The first objective Award

With 5,000 variables and over 1000+ questions, our data is meticulously evaluated by human intelligence to ensure the utmost quality.

Detailed, Actionable Feedback

Participants are provided with an Executive Challenger Report (10-15 pages) that offers valuable insights to enhance their sustainability reporting. This empowers them to make informed decisions based on data, driving their progress forward.

Integrity Star: A Symbol of Excellence

Award recipients of award are celebrated with a unique trophy and a comprehensive media package, showcasing their achievements in a remarkable manner.


Why you should participate

Effortless Submission

You can provide the download links for your report directly, without the need to complete any questionnaires.

Gap Analysis is Included

Every participant is provided with a comprehensive gap analysis in the form of an Executive Challenger Report.

Prize and Recognition:
  • Each category winner will receive an exclusive winner logo.
  • Category winners will be provided with a comprehensive media package.
  • An elegant trophy will be awarded to the winners.


Recognition is crucial for companies and individuals who have made significant contributions towards sustainable progress, as they are at the forefront of transforming our society. It involves persuading others, presenting relevant data, and advocating for change, even when faced with resistance. Such perseverance deserves acknowledgment and appreciation.
Our award aims to create a significant impact by highlighting exemplary best practices, inspiring others to enhance the effectiveness of their sustainability reporting efforts. Even though the event will be held virtually and without elaborate formalities, we foster an environment that honors distinguished guests from the very beginning. Sustainability is of paramount importance to us, and we deeply admire those who actively contribute and achieve success in this realm.


Integrity Star Categories: Understanding their Significance

Platinum Star

Integrity Star Award
Integrity Star Award

The Integrity Star Award, Platinum represents the highest level of integrity demonstrated towards stakeholders. It signifies that the company upholds comprehensive sustainability reporting and operates with utmost transparency and context.

Gold Star

Integrity Star Award
Integrity Star Award

The Integrity Star Award, Gold, represents a strong commitment to integrity towards stakeholders. It reflects the company's excellent reporting practices and high level of transparency and context in sustainability reporting.

Silver Star

Integrity Star Award
Integrity Star Award

The Integrity Star Award, Silver, represents a commendable commitment to integrity towards stakeholders. It reflects the company's good reporting practices and a satisfactory level of transparency and context in sustainability reporting.

Bronze Star

Integrity Star Award
Integrity Star Award

The Integrity Star Award, Bronze, represents a developing commitment to integrity towards stakeholders. It reflects the company's positive reporting practices and a growing level of transparency and context in sustainability reporting.

Rising Star

Integrity Star Award
Integrity Star Award

The Integrity Star Award, Rising Star, represents recognizes companies that are embarking on a journey to demonstrate integrity towards stakeholders. Recipients of this award are in the early stages of developing transparency and context in sustainability reporting to meet disclosure standards.


We analyze both public and private enterprises.
The top 3 scorers from each segment are honored.


GEM Selected

Objective Recognition

For quality in sustainability reporting. Triply verified by human intelligence, Our system handles 5,000 variables and 1,000+ questions for unrivaled quality.

A proven and objective methodology instead of a jury!

Rather than depending on a jury, we utilize a reliable and unbiased methodology. The GEM AssayTM is employed to evaluate and rate the reporting quality of around 5,000 variables. Our selection of winners remains unaffected by any sponsors or partners.

A detailed analysis of the submitted sustainability reports for each award participant.

This is provided as a compact challenger report of around 10-15 pages. With the help of this report, companies can recognize their existing gaps and identify areas in which they are already performing well in terms of reporting.


Both privately held and publicly traded companies that are able to submit a sustainability report in English for the year 2023 are eligible to take part.

The process is simple. We will analyze your report using the GEM Assay, and you won’t need to complete any questionnaires. Discover more about our methodology.

To ensure a fair and impartial process, we employ a transparent methodology rather than relying on a jury. We meticulously evaluate the reports of each company, analyzing them three times to guarantee the highest quality of data. As a result, participants will receive a concise and insightful Executive Challenger Report that encapsulates their results.

Winners will be honored during an enchanting evening ceremony, complete with a delightful dinner, on September 11th, commencing at 6 PM.

By entering for the award, you are already a winner, showcasing your serious commitment to sustainability. Even if you don’t win, you will receive a comprehensive report outlining your results. This report will offer valuable insights into areas for improvement, enabling you to achieve better outcomes in future submissions. Moreover, we highly encourage you to join our Summit, where you can learn from industry experts.

The quality of reporting is acknowledged across five categories: Platinum Star, Gold Star, Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Rising Star. Achieving recognition in any of these categories signifies success. Furthermore, we honor the top 3 scorers in each of our five segments: GEM-ALL, DAX, MDAX, SDAX, and GEM-Selected.

The submission fee is 2,500 Euros, which covers the analysis of your report(s) and the Challenger Executive Report containing your results. Learn more about our partner discounts.

The evening award ceremony is primarily for award participants and their teams. However, everyone is welcome to join this great event. The cost for attending the award ceremony, including dinner and drinks, is 600 Euros per person.


1. Eligibility
  • The analysis by the Global ESG Monitor (GEM) is open to all companies, regardless of whether they are privately held or publicly listed and on condition that they have published a sustainability report in English.
2. Submission Process
  • Participants must submit their Non-Financial Report(s) (NFRs) by June 30th 2024.
  • The submission fee of 2,500 Euros covers the report analysis and the compilation of an individual Challenger Executive Report.
3. Award Evaluation
  • Reports will be analyzed using the GEM ASSAY™. The scope of the analysis depends on the material topics analyzed.
  • Winners are determined based on a transparent methodology and scoring. For more details see (LINK)
4. Award Categories
  • Awards are given in five categories: Platinum Star, Gold Star, Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Rising Star.
5. Award Ceremony
  • The award ceremony is scheduled for September 11, starting at 6 PM.
  • Participation fee for the award ceremony: 600 EUR.
  • Everyone is welcome. A specific number of seats will be reserved for award participants and their teams
6. Disclosures
  • We are authorized to disclose your company’s name according to the category you have reached. We will not disclose your scoring unless you are among the top 3 in one of the categories.
7. Rights and Permissions
  • By participating, companies grant the organizers the right to use any photographs taken during the event for promotional purposes.
8. Liability and Disclaimers
  • The organizers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the analysis or reporting.
  • Participants agree to identify and hold harmless the organizers from any claims arising from their participation.
9. Changes and Cancellations
  • The organizers reserve the right to modify the event schedule, terms, or conditions as necessary.
  • In case the event has to be cancelled, participants will be notified and provided with options regarding their submission fees.
10. Data Protection and Privacy
  • Personal data collected during the registration and submission process will be handled in accordance with GDPR regulations.
  • Confidentiality of the submitted reports will be maintained, except as required for evaluation and award purposes.
11. Governing Law
  • These terms and conditions are governed by German Law and participants agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Wiesbaden/Germany.